
The Abate-Shen Lab is interested in understanding how basic cellular mechanisms become coopted in cancer and in harnessing these insights to improve cancer diagnosis and treatment.
The Acharyya Lab explores mechanisms of drug resistance and cancer metastasis. These are two major challenges that significantly limit anti-cancer therapy and claim millions of lives worldwide.
The Amengual Lab’s research goals are focused on developing targeted therapies for the treatment of lymphoma.
The Arpaia Lab researches how mucosal immune responses are coordinated to maintain homeostasis and respond to microbial infection, barrier disruption, or alterations in commensal microbial diversity.
The Axel Lab's research is primarily concerned with olfaction, or the sense of smell. The olfactory system provides an excellent system with which to address basic issues of neuroscience.
The Baer Lab uses biochemical, cellular, and organismal approaches to characterize the BRCA1/BARD complex and its associated factors, such as the DNA repair protein CtIP [4-6].
The Basu Lab investigates various regulatory mechanisms that promote AID activity during CSR and SHM, but prevent it from causing oncogenic chromosomal translocations.
The Califano Lab uses systems biology principles to elucidate and then investigate cell regulatory networks.
The Chan lab investigates the molecular mechanisms that promote the oncogenesis and survival of cancer cells, with a focus on functional genomics and gastrointestinal cancers.
The Chio Lab uses 3D organoid cultures and genetically engineered mouse models to study redox dependencies in pancreatic cancer.
The Chung Lab's research relates to the genetic basis of a variety of human diseases including obesity, type 2 diabetes, congenital heart disease, cardiomyopathies, arrhythmias, and more.
The Ciccia Lab investigates how genome instability causes cancer and other genetic disorders.
The Concepcion lab studies how chromatin deregulation impacts tumor evolution with a focus on lung cancer.
Moving beyond advances in the last century for the synthetic manipulation of biomolecules in vitro, the Cornish Lab is creating new approaches for the modification of biomolecules in a living cell.
The Costantini Lab studies the genetic control of epithelial branching morphogenesis during kidney development in the mouse.
The Crew Lab studies strategies for increasing breast cancer risk assessment and prevention options (e.g., genetic testing, screening, chemoprevention) using health information technology.
The Cruz-Acuña Lab focuses on integrating aspects of biomaterial engineering, cell and molecular biology, and 3D organoid biology to create engineered 3D organoid platforms
The Dalla-Favera Lab works to elucidate the pathogenesis of cancers derived from B lymphocytes, known as B cell lymphomas.
The Danino Lab focuses on using synthetic biology to program bacteria as a cancer therapy. We also study the design principles of gene circuits to develop novel health and environmental applications.
The Ding Lab We investigates the molecular and cellular mechanisms that regulate stem cell function in the hematopoietic system.
The Farber Lab's research is focused on defining how the immune system responds to pathogens and maintains homeostasis with age.
The Ferrando Lab is endeavoring to understand the molecular mechanisms that promote and sustain the malignant proliferation and survival of leukemic cells.
The Floratos Lab develops collaborative bioinformatics software to support the analysis and visualization of genomic data from a wide range of domains.
The CURE Lab integrates clinical outcomes data, multi-omics, and novel 3D culture model systems to develop translational tools to study and treat disorders of the upper GI tract
The Gallitto lab seeks to change how pediatric brain cancer patients are treated using a novel drug discovery and delivery pipeline with computational biology and novel biomedical techniques.
The Gautier Lab use sXenopus laevis cell-free extracts to study DNA replication and repair.
The Ghosh Lab has a long-standing interest in understanding and elucidating the complexities of transcriptional regulation, with a particular focus on the innate and adaptive immune system.
The central effort of the Goff Lab has been a detailed genetic analysis of the replication cycle of the Moloney murine leukemia virus (M-MuLV) and the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1).
The Gottesman Lab investigates the mechanism of transcription termination in E. coli and how termination affects other cellular processes.
The Greene Lab uses single-molecule optical microscopy to study fundamental interactions between proteins and nucleic acids.
The Greenwald Lab studies cell-cell interactions, signal transduction, and cell fate specification during C. elegans development, with a focus on LIN-12/Notch.
The focus of the Gu Lab is to understand molecular mechanisms underlying p53 stabilization and activation in tumor suppression.
The Gundersen Lab conducts research to understand the role of cytoskeletal elements, termed microtubules, in cell functions such as division, migration and polarity.
Work in the Han lab focuses on investigating the mechanisms of Fusobacterium nucleatum pathogenesis in pregnancy complications and colorectal cancer.
The mission of Biophotonics and Optical Radiology Laboratory is to establish optical tomography as a viable biomedical imaging modality.
The Honig Lab's work includes theoretical research, biophysical measurements, the development of software tools, and specific applications to problems of biological importance.
The goal of the Hur Research Group is to utilize advanced quantitative methods and techniques to spur cancer care innovation and to provide comprehensive evaluation of new technologies or therapies.
The overarching theme of the Iavarone Lab's research is the dissection of the role of proteins and networks (master regulators) that drive phenotypic states in normal and cancer cells of the brain.
The Izar Lab aims to dissect interactions of cancer and immunity in the tumor development, metastasis and drug resistance using high-dimensional functional single-cell genomics and imaging.
The Jia Lab uses system biology approaches combined with traditional genetic and biochemical analyses to study the role of epigenetic mechanisms in regulating the functions of the genome.
The Kam Lab studies T cell activation, an important step in shaping the immune response that is normally carried out by contact-mediated ommunication with an antigen presenting cell (APC).
The Kaufman Lab investigates single and collective cancer cell invasion in biopolymer gels of specific biochemistry, mechanical properties, and network structure.
The Ultrasound Elasticity and Imaging Laboratory works on developing novel, ultrasound-based techniques for both imaging and therapeutic applications.
Dr. Kousteni’s research focuses on the role of the bone marrow microenvironment and genomic alterations in the pathogenesis of hematological malignancies.
The Lasorella Lab uses the nervous system as a paradigm model to gain molecular and mechanistic insights into the coordination of cell growth and differentiation.
The Lentzsch Lab focuses on the identification of novel targets for the treatment of Multiple Myeloma, Multiple Myeloma bone disease and AL amyloidosis.
The Lu Lab is interested in understanding basic mechanisms governing chromatin organization and access during normal and cancer development.
The Manley Lab studies aspects of gene expression, principally in human cells, including transcription of mRNA encoding genes, and splicing and polyadenylation of the resultant mRNA precursors.
Mendelsohn Lab investigates urothelial progenitors important for formation, homeostasis and regeneration of urothelium, and identification of urothelial cell types that give rise to bladder cancers.
The Momen-Haravi Lab aims to elucidate the biological mechanisms mediated by tumor-immune cell interaction and to edit innate immune cells to combat cancer.
The Mor lab's research seeks to improve treatment outcomes for cancer patients, studying adaptive immune responses to tumors, as well as mechanisms to promote loss of tolerance.
The Mukherjee Lab seeks to understand the biology of blood development, with a special interest in understanding malignant and pre-malignant blood diseases such as MDS and AML.
The Murty Lab is interested in the genetic and epigenetic basis of cervical cancer and hematologic malignancies. One of the major goals is to identify prognostic markers of response to treatment.
The Ohlstein lab investigates the role of stem cells in tissue homeostasis and organogenesis.
The Olive Lab focuses on translational research and pancreatic cancer. We are working to facilitate the clinical realization of basic science principles in order to improve the treatment of patients.
The Passegue Lab studies how hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) regulate blood production during the lifetime of an ever-changing organism.
The Pe'er Lab studies, develops, and applies novel computational methods in human genetics.
Ongoing studies of the Pon Lab focus on the mechanisms for mitochondrial quality control.
The Prives Lab aims to understand the structure and function of the normal p53 protein and how it differs from the mutant p53 proteins that are commonly found in cancer patients' tumors.
The Que Lab focuses on the molecular and cellular mechanisms controlling the proliferation and differentiation of stem cells in the esophagus and lung.
The Rabadan Lab is an interdisciplinary team interested in developing mathematical and computational tools to extract useful biological information from large data sets.
The Reilly Lab is dedicated to translational and genomic studies of human cardiometabolic disorders.
The Reshef lab investigates immune responses after bone marrow transplantation and cell therapy and aims to develop novel therapeutic approaches that improve the outcome of cancer immunotherapies.
The Reya Lab is broadly interested in understanding how stem cell signals are hijacked to drive cancer progression and therapy resistance with a focus on leukemias and pancreatic cancer.
The Rothman Lab employs diverse biophysical, biochemical, and cell biological approaches to characterize the fundamental participants in intracellular transport processes.
By using budding yeast as an experimental organism, the Rothstein Lab is able to study essential biological processes such as the mechanisms underlying the recognition and repair of DNA damage.
The Rustgi laboratory explore cell-type and tissue-type specific actions of certain oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes in modulating the initiation, progression and invasion of GI cancers
The Schvartzman Lab is interested in understanding how extra- and intra-cellular metabolism regulates chromatin biology.
The Schwabe Lab utilizes state-of-the-art molecular biology and cutting-edge bioinformatics to better understand liver cancer, liver fibrosis, and non-alcoholic liver disease.
The Shen Lab investigates the molecular mechanisms of mammalian development and cancer using in vivo analyses of genetically-engineered mouse models.
The Sims Lab develops new tools for single cell and cell type-specific analysis, focusing mainly on transcriptional and translational regulation.
The Snoeck Lab focuses on stem cells, ranging from basic stem cell biology to translational research and disease modeling.
The Stockwell lab sits at the interface of chemistry and biology and is systematically using small molecules to discover mechanisms underlying cellular processes.
The Symington Lab uses the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a model eukaryotic system to study the mechanisms and regulation of recombination.
The Tabas Lab studies the cellular biology of cardiometabolic disease, with an emphasis on molecular-cellular mechanisms of advanced atherosclerosis and hepatic insulin resistance and NASH in obesity.
Using emerging resources, such as electronic health records and genomics databases, the Tatonetti Lab is working to identify for whom these drugs will be safe and effective and for whom they will not.
The main focus of the Tavazoie Lab is to understand how cells adapt to changes in their external environment.
The goal of the Taylor Lab is to understand the role of aneuploidy, whole chromosome or chromosome arm imbalance, in the development of cancer.
The Vallee Lab is interested in a variety of biological phenomena involving motor proteins, with a major emphasis on cytoplasmic dynein.
The Vasan Lab investigates the molecular mechanisms of oncoprotein signaling and inhibition in breast cancer and other solid tumors.
The Viny lab studies epigenetic regulation and 3D chromatin structure during normal blood formation and in blood cancers.
The Vitkup Lab is working on important biological and biomedical questions. To address scientific challenges, we develop/apply novel computational, theoretical and experimental tools and approaches.
The Vunjak-Novakovic Lab is focused on tissue engineering approaches to improving human health.
The Wang Lab applies synthetic and systems biology approaches to design and build new microbes with novel capabilities, leveraging both engineering and evolutionary principles.
The Wang lab investigates the molecular mechanisms of gastrointestinal carcinogenesis and the role of inflammation in modulating stem cells and promoting gastrointestinal neoplasia using mouse models.
The Wechsler-Reya Lab studies the signals that control cell growth and differentiation in the nervous system and how these signals are dysregulated in brain tumors.
The Woappi lab investigates how varied cells synchronize their activities to restore damaged tissue.
The Wolgemuth Lab focuses on understanding the genetic control of gametogenesis and embryogenesis using mouse models and gene targeting, transgenic, and molecular and cell biological approaches.
The Z. Zhang Lab's two major research interests and goals in our laboratory: epigenetic inheritance and cancer epigenetics.
The Zha Lab focuses on fundamental mechanisms by which cells respond to DNA damage, and how these responses impact normal lymphocyte development, lymphomagenesis and cancer therapy.
The Zhang Lab dissects RNA regulatory networks in the nervous system as a way to understand mammalian complexity manifested in evolutionary-developmental processes and in several neuronal disorders.