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When you have leukemia, it’s important that you receive care from a cancer center that is backed by cutting-edge research and that offers a team of experts working together for you.
At Columbia Cancer, our highly experienced cancer care team is here to help you navigate every step of your journey.
Our Expertise at Your Service
At Columbia Cancer, our caregivers see hundreds of people with leukemia each year. You will receive the gold-standard care—as it’s being reinvented. Our care teams work with Columbia University researchers to bring you the newest care and treatments, sometimes before they are available to others.
We’re ranked among the best hospitals in the nation by U.S. News & World Report’s Best Hospitals, and we’re backed by the power of the National Cancer Institute, which designated Columbia University as a Comprehensive Cancer Center, its highest designation.
State-of-the-Art Treatment
Our Leukemia Program offers treatments ranging from standard chemotherapy and stem cell transplants to innovative clinical trials. Our physician-scientists are leading the way in applying discoveries in the lab to patient care. We’re leading national clinical trials to advance leukemia treatment.
You’ll Have Your Own Team of Leukemia Experts
You will have a team of leukemia specialists who will design a treatment plan that is specific to your health and care needs. You will feel like a valuable part of this team, because you are. And your compassionate care team at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital will treat you with the warmth and respect you deserve.
Your team will coordinate your care from treatment through survivorship. You will also have access to information and support beyond your doctors and nurses.
You’ll Have Access to Leading Clinical Trials
At Columbia Cancer, the discoveries made here in our labs lead to new ways to treat cancer.
When you have leukemia, it’s important that you have access to clinical research studies, some only available at cancer centers like Columbia Cancer. These research studies are testing new drugs to fight cancer and new ways of delivering therapy.
You’ll Have a Wealth of Support Resources
We created our Patient Support Services to provide you with care and support throughout your medical care. Through this service, you’ll have access to complementary treatments like acupuncture, resources for stress management, yoga therapy, spiritual support, support groups, and more.