A phase IV study of Apricity C.A.R.E. program for Cancer Adverse events Rapid Evaluation to improve treatment outcomes of ethnic/racial minority non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients receiving immunotherapy


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The therapy you are receiving for your cancer has known side effects. If those side effects are caught early, they may be less serious, easier to treat, and less likely to lead to discontinuation of your cancer therapy. Apricity Health has created the Apricity CARE program, which includes a smart phone app called ApricityCare for monitoring and reporting these side effects, and licensed nurses who can respond to you virtually to evaluate your side effects and communicate to your doctors without delay. The app also has education material to teach you about these side effects. You can also have your care takers to report the side effects using the ApricityCare app. Or you can call directly to the nurses by phone to report your side effects so they can be evaluated without delay. The purpose of this research study is to test how well this program works, and if patients like you find it easy to use for the purposes of reporting and learning about these side effects.

Are you Eligible? (Inclusion Criteria)

  • Age≥ 18 years - Confirmed NSCLC diagnosis - Prescribed treatment with immune-checkpoint inhibitor, including in combination with chemotherapy - Ability to understand and the willingness to sign a written informed consent document - Self-identification as a member of an ethnic minority or underserved population.

Specialty Area(s)

Lung cancer

Principal Investigator

Profile Headshot
  • Associate Director, Experimental Therapeutics
  • Director of Translational Research, Upper Aerodigestive Cancers in Medical Oncology

Trial Location(s)

CUIMC/Herbert Irving Pavilion
161 Fort Washington Avenue
New York, NY 10032